As I go through and provide definitions, note that I get most of my information from Daniel Wallace's Greek grammar, with insights from Black's and Mounce's Greek introductory books.
What is it?
What is it?
A substantival participle is an independent use of the adjectival participle. It is used instead of and functions in the place of a substantive. Therefore it can work any way a noun can work: as the subject, object, etc. The substantival adjective is frequent in the New Testament.
How can I recognize it?
1) If the participle is articular (that is, has a definite article), then it is either adjectival or substantival.
2) If it is articular and does not agree with a substantive in person, number, and case, then it is substantival.
How do I translate it?
Typically you can write out your rough translation as "the one who" or "the thing which" followed by the participle translated as a finite verb. So o` pisteu,wn would be translated as "the one who believes".
Watch the following video for more clarification.
Very clear video-lesson. Thanks. I'm returning to Greek after many years of being idle.